Tuesday, April 10, 2012


While reading Taini's Blog, I stumbled across a website called Tagxedo. This site allows you to use words to create a word cloud picture. What an interesting way of using words to create art. They have many examples of what people have already created using this site. you can even use your creation and turn it into a special keepsake. I can think of many ways students and teachers can use this to recap a unit studied or use it as a class project. Like the Emperor Penguin below, I would use this template after reading our story from our reading anthology based on the Emperor Penguins in Antarctica.  Check it out! How would you use this is your classroom?

Student NETs: 1 and 2
Teacher NETs: 1, 2 and 3


  1. Meghan I completely agree with you. It is a fun way to put words together. My students have difficulty with descriptive words, so I would love to use the Word Clouds to help them. I think they would also find it fun. I like the idea of using it as an end of the unit project.

  2. Love the penguin! You could also use it to introduce vocabulary words. The penguin would be great to use before reading your story. I love how the website always you to put the mouse over a word to make it pop. Students would be able to see the word pop out and you can discuss the vocab word. Great tool!
